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Jorge Luis Borges

Author, Scholar (24-Aug-1899 — 14-Jun-1986)


Ion Tudro Agheana. The Meaning of Experience in the Prose of Jorge Luis Borges. P. Lang. 1988. 256pp.

Ion Tudro Agheana. Reasoned Thematic Dictionary of the Prose of Jorge Luis Borges. Ediciones del Norte. 1990. 387pp.

Jaime Alazraki. Critical Essays on Jorge Luis Borges. G. K. Hall. 1987. 198pp.

Jorge Rodrigo Ayora. A Study of Time in the Essays and Short Stories of Jorge Luis Borges. Vanderbilt University. 1969. 454pp.

Daniel Balderston. The Literary Universe of Jorge Luis Borges: An Index to References and Allusions to Persons, Titles, and Places in His Writings. Greenwood Press. 1986. 305pp.

Daniel Balderston. Out of Context: Historical Reference and the Representation of Reality in Borges. Duke University Press. 1993. 216pp.

Willis Barnstone (editor). Borges at Eighty: Conversations. Indiana University Press. 1982. 176pp.

Ana María Barrenechea; Robert Lima. Borges: The Labyrinth Maker. New York University Press. 1965. 175pp. Translation of La expresión de la irrealidad en la obra de Jorge Luis Borges, 1957.

Gene H. Bell-Villada. Borges and His Fiction: A Guide to His Mind and Art. University of Texas Press. 1999. 325pp.

Víctor Bravo. El orden y la paradoja: Jorge Luis Borges y el pensamiento de la modernidad. Universidad de los Andes. 2003. 378pp. Language: Spanish.

Richard Burgin (editor). Jorge Luis Borges: Conversations. University Press of Mississippi. 1998. 254pp.

Paul Cheselka. The Poetry and Poetics of Jorge Luis Borges. Peter Lang. 1987. 197pp.

John Michael Cohen. Jorge Luis Borges. Barnes & Noble. 1974. 115pp.

Evelyn Fishburn; Psiche Hughes. A Dictionary of Borges. Duckworth. 1990. 270pp.

David William Foster. Jorge Luis Borges: An Annotated Primary and Secondary Bibliography. Garland. 1984. 328pp.

Giovanna De Garayalde. Jorge Luis Borges: Sources and Illumination. Octagon Press. 1978. 88pp.

Norman Thomas Di Giovanni. The Lesson of the Master: On Borges and His Work. Continuum International Publishing Group. 2004. 208pp.

Rob Isbister. A Concordance to the Works of Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986), Argentine Author. Edwin Mellen Press. 1992. 460pp.

Efraín Kristal. Invisible Work: Borges and Translation. Vanderbilt University Press. 2002. 213pp.

Ramona Lagos. Jorge Luis Borges, 1923-1980: Laberintos del espíritu, interjecciones del cuerpo. Edicions del Mall. 1986. 318pp. Language: Spanish.

Naomi Lindstrom. Jorge Luis Borges: A Study of the Short Fiction. Twayne. 1990. 174pp.

C. Jared Loewenstein. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Jorge Luis Borges Collection at the University of Virginia Library. University of Virginia Press. 1993. 254pp.

Alberto Manguel. With Borges. Telegram. 2006. 77pp.

George R. McMurray. Jorge Luis Borges. Ungar. 1980. 255pp.

Floyd Merrell. Unthinking Thinking: Jorge Luis Borges, Mathematics, and the New Physics. Purdue University Press. 1991. 300pp.

Sylvia Molloy. Translated by Oscar Montero. Signs of Borges. Duke University Press. 1994. 142pp.

Emir Rodríguez Monegal. Jorge Luis Borges: A Literary Biography. Paragon House. 1988. 502pp.

Louis Andrew Murillo. The Cyclical Night: Irony in James Joyce and Jorge Luis Borges. Harvard University Press. 1968. 269pp.

Gregary Joseph Racz (editor). Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986) as Writer and Social Critic. Edwin Mellen Press. 2003. 175pp.

Malcolm Kevin Read. Jorge Luis Borges and His Predecessors, Or, Notes Towards a Materialist History of Linguistic Idealism. UNC Department of Romance Languages. 1993. 152pp.

Beatriz Sarlo. Jorge Luis Borges: A Writer on the Edge. Verso Books. 2007. 148pp.

Donald Leslie Shaw. Borges' Narrative Strategy. Francis Cairns. 1992. 191pp.

Nicolas Standifird Shumway. The Hedonic Reader: The Literary Theory and Criticism of Jorge Luis Borges. University of California at Los Angeles. 1976. 630pp.

Amy Sickels. Jorge Luis Borges. Facts On File. 2004. 120pp.

Martin S. Stabb. Jorge Luis Borges. Twayne. 1970. 179pp.

John O. Stark. The Literature of Exhaustion: Borges, Nabokov, and Barth. Duke University Press. 1974. 196pp.

John Sturrock. Paper Tigers: The Ideal Fictions of Jorge Luis Borges. Clarendon Press. 1977. 227pp.

Alfonso de Toro; Fernando de Toro (editors). Jorge Luis Borges: Thought and Knowledge in the XXth Century. Frankfurt am Main: Vervuert Verlag. 1999. 358pp.

Dorothy Ethel Turner. Borges' Game with Shifting Mirrors: A Study of Some of the Recurrent Symbols in the Work of Jorge Luis Borges. University of Texas at Austin. 1970. 486pp.

Sergio Gabriel Waisman. Borges and Translation: The Irreverence of the Periphery. Bucknell University Press. 2005. 267pp.

Carter Wheelock. The Mythmaker: A Study of Motif and Symbol in the Short Stories of Jorge Luis Borges. University of Texas Press. 1969. 190pp.

Edwin Williamson. Borges: A Life. New York: Viking Penguin. 2004.

Jason Wilson. Jorge Luis Borges. Reaktion Books. 2006. 173pp.

James Woodall. The Man in the Mirror of the Book: A Life of Jorge Luis Borges. Hodder & Stoughton. 1996. 333pp.

Donald A. Yates. Jorge Luis Borges: Life, Work, and Criticism. York Press. 1985. 41pp.


Below are references indicating presence of this name in another database or other reference material. Most of the sources listed are encyclopedic in nature but might be limited to a specific field, such as musicians or film directors. A lack of listings here does not indicate unimportance -- we are nowhere near finished with this portion of the project -- though if many are shown it does indicate a wide recognition of this individual.

  1. NNDB [link]

  2. Encyclopaedia Britannica Online [link]

  3. Internet Movie Database [link]

  4. Public Information Research Namebase [link]

  5. Wikipedia [link]

  6. 20th Century Culture: A Biographical Companion (p.88)

  7. International Dictionary of 20th Century Biography (p.85)

  8. Chambers Biographical Dictionary, 5th Edition (p.181)

  9. Penguin Companion to the Arts in the Twentieth Century (p.68)

  10. New York Public Library Literature Companion (p.30)

  11. Current Biography, 1970 Yearbook (pp.41-44)

  12. Celebrity Register 3rd Issue (p.56)

  13. Celebrity Register 4th Issue (p.53)

  14. World Authors 1950-1970 (pp.186-89)

  15. Benet's Readers Encyclopedia, 4th Edition (p.123)

  16. Hutchinson Paperback Dictionary of Biography (p.63)

  17. International Who's Who 1960 (p.105)

  18. Who's Who in Twentieth-Century World Poetry (p.42)

  19. Legends in Their Own Time (p.29)

  20. A Dictionary of 20th Century World Biography (Oxford) (p.74)

  21. The World Almanac Biographical Dictionary (p.33)

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