Manning Clark Historian (3-Mar-1915 23-May-1991) SUBJECT OF BOOKS
Manning Clark. The Puzzles of Childhood. Viking Press. 1989. 213pp. Manning Clark. The Quest for Grace. Viking Press. 1990. 220pp. Manning Clark. A Historian's Apprenticeship. Melbourne University Press. 1992. 127pp. Susan Davies (editor). Dear Kathleen, Dear Manning: The Correspondence of Manning Clark and Kathleen Fitzpatrick, 1949-1990. Melbourne University Press. 1996. 480pp. Stephen Holt. Manning Clark and Australian History, 1915-1963. University of Queensland Press. 1982. 207pp. Stephen Holt. A Short History of Manning Clark. Allen & Unwin. 1999. 260pp. Stuart Macintyre; Sheila Fitzpatrick (editors). Against the Grain: Brian Fitzpatrick and Manning Clark in Australian History and Politics. Melbourne University Press. 2007. 279pp. Humphrey McQueen. Suspect History: Manning Clark and the Future of Australia's Past. Wakefield Press. 1997. 238pp. Roslyn Russell (editor). Ever, Manning: Selected Letters of Manning Clark, 1938-1991. Allen & Unwin. 2008. 576pp.
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reference material. Most of the sources listed are encyclopedic in nature but might be
limited to a specific field, such as musicians or film directors. A lack of listings
here does not indicate unimportance -- we are nowhere near finished with this portion
of the project -- though if many are shown it does indicate a wide recognition
of this individual.
- NNDB [link]
- Public Information Research Namebase [link]
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