Isaac Newton Physicist, Mathematician (4-Jan-1643 31-Mar-1727) SUBJECT OF BOOKS
Peter Ackroyd. Isaac Newton. London: Chatto & Windus. 2006. 163pp. Francesco Algarotti. Il Newtonianismo per le dame (Newton's Philosophy Explain'd for the Use of the Ladies). Naples: di Giambatista Pasquali. 1739. 303pp. E. N. da C. Andrade. Sir Isaac Newton. Garden City, NY: Anchor Books. 1950. 144pp. Herbert Douglas Anthony. Sir Isaac Newton. London: Abelard-Schuman. 1960. 223pp. Peter Aughton. Newton's Apple: Isaac Newton and the English Scientific Renaissance. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson. 2003. 215pp. David Berlinski. Newton's Gift: How Sir Isaac Newton Unlocked the System of the World. New York: The Free Press. 2000. 217pp. Léon Bloch. La Philosophie de Newton. Paris: F. Alcan. 1908. 642pp. David Brewster. The Life of Sir Isaac Newton. London: Murray. 1831. 366pp. Selig Brodetsky. Sir Isaac Newton: A Brief Account of His Life and Work. London: Methuen & Co.. 1927. 161pp. Jed Z. Buchwald; I. Bernard Cohen. Isaac Newton's Natural Philosophy. MIT Press. 2001. 354pp. Gale E. Christianson. Isaac Newton. Oxford University Press. 2005. 144pp. John Collins. Commercium Epistolicum. London: Typis Pearsonianis. 1712. 122pp. Sir John Craig. Newton at the Mint. Cambridge University Press. 1946. 128pp. Betty Jo Teeter Dobbs. The Janus Faces of Genius: The Role of Alchemy in Newton's Thought. Cambridge University Press. 1991. 359pp. Patricia Fara. Newton: The Making of Genius. Columbia University Press. 2004. 384pp. Mordechai Feingold. The Newtonian Moment: Isaac Newton and the Making of Modern Culture. Oxford University Press. 2004. 218pp. Harald Fritzsch. An Equation That Changed the World: Newton, Einstein and the Theory of Relativity. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. 1994. James Gleick. Isaac Newton. New York: Pantheon Books. 2003. 272pp. Friedrich Graevell. Göthe im Recht gegen Newton. Berlin: Herbig. 1857. 191pp. George Grant. The Life of Sir Isaac Newton: Containing an Account of His Numerous Inventions and Discoveries. Dublin: James M'Glashan. 1849. 311pp. Willem Jacob's Gravesande. Mathematical Elements of Natural Philosophy Confirmed by Experiments: An Introduction to Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy. London: J. Senex and W. Taylor. 1720. 259pp. W. J. Greenstreet. Isaac Newton, 1642-1727: A Memorial Volume. London: G. Bell. 1927. 181pp. Niccolò Guicciardini. Isaac Newton on Mathematical Certainty and Method. MIT Press. 2009. 422pp. A. Rupert Hall. Isaac Newton: Adventurer in Thought. Cambridge University Press. 1996. 468pp. John Harrison. The Library of Isaac Newton. Cambridge University Press. 2008. 298pp. James Jurin. The Minute Mathematician, or, The Free-Thinker No Just-Thinker. London: T. Cooper. 1735. 112pp. Philip Kerr. Dark Matter: The Private Life of Sir Isaac Newton. New York: Three Rivers Press. 2003. 352pp. Daniel P. Kidder. The Life of Sir Isaac Newton. New York: Carlton & Philips. 1854. 183pp. E. F. King. A Biographical Sketch of Sir Isaac Newton. Grantham, England: S. Ridge. 1858. 118pp. David C. Knight. Isaac Newton: Mastermind of Modern Science. London: Chatto and Windus. 1961. 153pp. Rudolf Laemmel. Isaac Newton. Zurich: Büchergilde Gutenberg. 1957. 308pp. Thomas Levenson. Newton and the Counterfeiter: The Unknown Detective Career of the World's Greatest Scientist. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 2009. 318pp. Colin MacLaurin; Louis-Anne Lavirotte. Exposition des Découvertes Philosophiques de m. le Chevalier Newton. Paris: Durand. 1749. 422pp. Frank E. Manuel. Isaac Newton: Historian. Harvard University Press. 1963. 328pp. Frank E. Manuel. A Portrait of Isaac Newton. Harvard University Press. 1968. 478pp. Louis Trenchard More. Isaac Newton: A Biography. New York: C. Scribner's Sons. 1934. 675pp. Robert Palter. The Annus Mirabilis of Sir Isaac Newton, 1666-1966. MIT Press. 1970. 351pp. Henry Pemberton. A View of Sir Issac Newton's Philosophy. Dublin: J. Hyde, J. Smith, W. Bruce. 1728. 333pp. Cortés Plá. Isaac Newton. Buenos Aires: Espasa-Calpe Argentina. 1945. 264pp. Ferdinand Rosenberger. Isaac Newton und Seine Physikalischen Principien. Leipzig, Germany: J. A. Barth. 1985. 536pp. M. Sigorgne. Institutions Newtoniennes. Rome: Ex Typographia Gaenerosi Salomoni. 1756. 528pp. Religious Tract Society. The Life of Sir Isaac Newton. Philadelphia: American Sunday-School Union. 1820. 192pp. Elizabeth Socolow. Laughing at Gravity: Conversations with Isaac Newton. Boston: Beacon Press. 1988. 142pp. Harry Sootin. Isaac Newton. New York: Messner. 1955. 191pp. Mitch Stokes. Isaac Newton. Nashville, TN: T. Nelson. 2010. 192pp. J. W. N. Sullivan. Isaac Newton, 1642-1727. London: Macmillan and Co.. 1938. 275pp. Beulah Tannenbaum; Myra Stillman. Isaac Newton: Pioneer of Space Mathematics. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1959. 128pp.. S. I. Vavilov. Isaak Newton. Moscow: Izdatelʹstvo Akademii. 1943. 216pp. R. De Villamil. Newton: The Man. London: G. D. Knox. 1931. 111pp. Voltaire. Éléments de la Philosophie de Newton. Amsterdam: E. Ledet & Co.. 1738. 399pp. Richard S. Westfall. Never at Rest: A Biography of Isaac Newton. Cambridge University Press. 1980. 908pp. Michael White. Isaac Newton: The Last Sorcerer. Reading, MA: Helix Books. 1997. 402pp. Michael White. Coffee with Isaac Newton. London: Duncan Baird. 2008. 144pp.
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- NNDB [link]
- Encyclopaedia Britannica Online [link]
- Wikipedia [link]
- Library of Congress Name Authority [link]
- Encyclopaedia Britannica 11th Edition
- Chambers Biographical Dictionary, 5th Edition (p.1077)
- A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature (p.286)
- Benet's Readers Encyclopedia, 4th Edition (p.727)
- Asimov's Biographical Encyclopedia of Science and Technology (p.103)
- Hutchinson Paperback Dictionary of Biography (p.367)
- Concise Biographical Dictionary of Famous Men and Women (p.499)
- Hutchinson Dictionary of Scientists (p.356)
- Who's Who in Europe, 1450-1750 (p.220)
- The Hutchinson Dictionary of Ideas (p.377)
- The World Almanac Biographical Dictionary (p.140)
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