Henry Dunant Activist (8-May-1828 30-Oct-1910) SUBJECT OF BOOKS
Hans Haug et al. Humanity for All: The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. Berne, Switzerland: P. Haupt. 1993. 682pp. Angela Bennett. The Geneva Convention: The Hidden Origins of the Red Cross. Gloucestershire, England: Sutton. 2005. 236pp. Serge Bimpage. Moi, Henry Dunant. Paris: Albin Michel. 2003. 300pp. Otakar Dorazil. Henri Dunant, 1828-1910. Prague: Vydal Československý Červený kříz. 1928. 251pp. Roger Durand. Henry Dunant und die Ostschweiz. Geneva: Société Henry Dunant. 1992. 204pp. Dieter Forte. Jean Henry Dunant: Oder, Die Einfuhrung der Zivilisation. Frankfurt, Germany: Fischer. 1978. 153pp. Alexis François. Aspects d'Henri Dunant. Geneva: Librairie de l'Université. 1948. 141pp. Bernard Gagnebin; Marc Gazay. Encounter with Henry Dunant. Geneva: Georg. 1963. 119pp. Alice Crew Gall. In Peace and War: A Story of Human Service. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co.. 1941. 278pp. Franco Giampiccoli. Henry Dunant: Il Fondatore della Croce Rossa. Torino, Italy: Claudiana. 2009. 239pp. Fernand Gigon. The Epic of the Red Cross or the Knight Errant of Charity. Zurich: Rascher,. 1942. 271pp. Martin Gumpert. Dunant: The Story of the Red Cross. Oxford University Press. 1938. 323pp. Ellen Hart. Man Born to Live: Life and Work of Henry Dunant, Founder of the Red Cross. London: Gollancz. 1953. 377pp. Sachiko Hashimoto. Watakushi no Anrī Dyunan den. Tokyo: Henry Dunant Study Center. 1978. 317pp. Eveline Hasler. Der Zeitreisende: die Visionen des Henry Dunant. Zurich: Nagel & Kimche. 1994. 318pp. Willy Heudtlass. J. Henry Dunant: Gründer des Roten Kreuzes, Urheber der Genfer Konvention. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. 1962. 195pp. Mariano Hispano. Henri Dunant. Barcelona: Barcelona Afha. 1978. 128pp. Gérard A. Jaeger. Henry Dunant: L'homme qui Inventa le droit Humanitaire. Paris: L'Archipel. 2009. 305pp. Violet Kelway Libby. Henry Dunant: Prophet of Peace. New York: Pageant Press. 1964. 377pp. Caroline Moorehead. Dunant's Dream: War, Switzerland and the Hstory of the Red Cross. London: HarperCollins. 1998. 780pp. Gabriel Mützenberg. Henry Dunant, le Prédestiné. Geneva: R. Estienne. 1984. 165pp. Roland Krug von Nidda. Henry Dunant: Genie der Menschlichkeit. Tübingen, Germany: R. Wunderlich. 1959. 318pp. Josephine Rich. Jean Henri Dunant: Founder of the International Red Cross. New York: American Red Cross. 1956. 190pp. Carol Zeman Rothkopf. Jean Henri Dunant: Father of the Red Cross. New York: Watts. 1969. 177pp. Wilhelm Sonderegger. Jean Henry Dunant -- Revolutionär!. Zurich: Reso-Verlag. 1935. 134pp. Rudolf Maria Stoiber. Henri Dunant: Man in White. London: Abelard-Schuman. 1963. 143pp. Fukiura Tadamasa. Sekijūji to Anri Dunant: Sensō to Hyūmaniti no Sōkoku. Tokyo: Chūōkōronsha. 1991. 197pp.
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- NNDB [link]
- Encyclopaedia Britannica Online [link]
- Wikipedia [link]
- Chambers Biographical Dictionary, 5th Edition (p.448)
- Hutchinson Paperback Dictionary of Biography (p.157)
- The Hutchinson Dictionary of Ideas (p.158)
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