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Jeremy Bentham

Philosopher, Economist (15-Feb-1748 — 6-Jun-1832)


Charles Milner Atkinson. Jeremy Bentham: His Life and Work. London: Methuen. 1905. 247pp.

Charles Bahmueller. The National Charity Company: Jeremy Bentham's Silent Revolution. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. 1981.

James E. Crimmins. Secular Utilitarianism: Social Science and the Critique of Religion in the Thought of Jeremy Bentham. New York, NY: 360pp.. 1990.

Charles Warren Everett. The Education of Jeremy Bentham. Columbia University Press. 1931. 239 pp.

Gunhild Hoogensen. International Relations, Security and Jeremy Bentham. Routledge. 2005.

George W. Keeton; Georg Schwarzenberger (editors). Jeremy Bentham and the Law: A Symposium. London: Stevens & Sons Ltd.. 1948. 266pp.

Shirley Robin Letwin. The Pursuit of Certainty: David Hume, Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill, Beatrice Webb. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. 1965. 391pp.

Douglas G. Long. Bentham on Liberty: Jeremy Bentham's Idea of Liberty in Relation to His Utilitarianism. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: University of Toronto Press. 1977. 294pp.

Mary P. Mack. Jeremy Bentham: An Odyssey of Ideas. London: Heinemann. 1962. 482pp.

D. J. Manning. The Mind of Jeremy Bentham. Barnes & Noble. 1968. 118pp.

John Stuart Mill. Mill on Bentham and Coleridge. London: Chatto & Windus. 1950. 168pp.

A. Taylor Milne. Catalogue of the Manuscripts of Jeremy Bentham in the Library of University College, London. University College London. 1937. 147pp.

Subrata Mukherjee; Sushila Ramaswamy. Jeremy Bentham: Great Western Political Thinkers. New Delhi: Deep & Deep Publications. 1998. 602pp.

C. K. Ogden. Jeremy Bentham. London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co.. 1932. 121pp. Bentham Centenary Lecture delivered in University College, London, on June 6th, 1932.

Bhikhu Parekh (editor). Jeremy Bentham: Critical Assessments. Routledge. 1993. (4 vols.) 400pp.

Frederick S. Rosen. Jeremy Bentham and Representative Democracy: A Study of the Constitutional Code. Oxford University Press. 1983.

Timothy L. S. Sprigge (editor). The Correspondence of Jeremy Bentham. London: University of London, The Athlone Press. 1968-71. (3 vols.)

Sir Leslie Stephen. The English Utilitarians, Volume I: Jeremy Bentham. London: Duckworth and Co.. 1900. 318pp.

Miriam Williford. Jeremy Bentham on Spanish America: An Account of His Letter and Proprosals to the New World. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University. 1980. 150pp.


Below are references indicating presence of this name in another database or other reference material. Most of the sources listed are encyclopedic in nature but might be limited to a specific field, such as musicians or film directors. A lack of listings here does not indicate unimportance -- we are nowhere near finished with this portion of the project -- though if many are shown it does indicate a wide recognition of this individual.

  1. NNDB [link]

  2. Encyclopaedia Britannica Online [link]

  3. Wikipedia [link]

  4. Encyclopaedia Britannica 11th Edition

  5. Random House Dictionary of World Biography (p.45)

  6. Chambers Biographical Dictionary, 5th Edition (p.139)

  7. A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature (p.33)

  8. Benet's Readers Encyclopedia, 4th Edition (p.96)

  9. Hutchinson Paperback Dictionary of Biography (p.48)

  10. Biographical Dictionary of Psychology (p.34)

  11. Atlantic: Brief Lives: A Biographical Companion to the Arts (p.52)

  12. The Penguin Companion to English Literature (p.45)

  13. The Hutchinson Dictionary of Ideas (p.53)

  14. Legends in Their Own Time (p.22)

  15. The World Almanac Biographical Dictionary (p.100)

  16. Makers of 19th Century Culture: 1800-1914 (p.35)

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