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Richard Pryor

Comic, Actor (1-Dec-1940 — 10-Dec-2005)


James Haskins. Richard Pryor: A Man and His Madness: A Biography. New York: Beaufort Books. 1984. 227pp.

Joseph Nazel. Richard Pryor: The Man Behind the Laughter. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House. 1981. 205pp.

Richard Pryor. Pryor Convictions: And Other Life Sentences. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1995. 257pp.

Fred Robbins; Dave Ragan. Richard Pryor: This Cat's Got Nine Lives!. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1982.

Jeff Rovin. Richard Pryor: Black and Blue: The Unauthorized Biography. Bantam Books. 1984. 248pp.

John A. Williams; Dennis A. Williams. If I Stop I'll Die: The Comedy and Tragedy of Richard Pryor. Thunder's Mouth Press. 1991. 234pp.


  1. A Pryor Love: The Life and Times of America's Comic Prophet of Race
    by Hilton Als. The New Yorker, 13-Dec-1999.


  1. Official Website:


Below are references indicating presence of this name in another database or other reference material. Most of the sources listed are encyclopedic in nature but might be limited to a specific field, such as musicians or film directors. A lack of listings here does not indicate unimportance -- we are nowhere near finished with this portion of the project -- though if many are shown it does indicate a wide recognition of this individual.

  1. NNDB [link]

  2. Encyclopaedia Britannica Online [link]

  3. Internet Movie Database [link]

  4. Public Information Research Namebase [link]

  5. Wikipedia [link]

  6. Library of Congress Name Authority [link]

  7. International Dictionary of 20th Century Biography (p.574)

  8. The Film Encyclopedia, 5th Edition (p.1143)

  9. Quinlan's Illustrated Registry of Film Stars (p.378)

  10. The Encyclopedia of Film (p.436)

  11. Celebrity Register 4th Issue (p.405)

  12. Celebrity Register 5th Issue (p.439)

  13. The Encyclopedia of Hollywood (p.326)

  14. The New Biographical Dictionary of Film (p.700)

  15. The International Who's Who 2001 (p.1249)

  16. Cambridge Dictionary of American Biography (p.590)

  17. The Encyclopedia of Television (vol.2, pp.1308-10)

  18. St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture (vol.4, pp.126-28)

  19. The World Almanac Biographical Dictionary (p.336)

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