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Sarah Siddons

Actor (5-Jul-1755 — 8-Jun-1831)


Robyn Asleson (editor). A Passion for Performance: Sarah Siddons and Her Portraitists. J. Paul Getty Museum. 1999. 142pp.

James Boaden. Memoirs of Mrs. Siddons: Interspersed with Anecdotes of Authors and Actors. London: Gibbings and Company. 1893. 471pp.

Michael R. Booth; John Stokes; Susan Bassnett. Three Tragic Actresses: Siddons, Rachel, Ristori. Cambridge University Press. 1996. 200pp.

Thomas Campbell. Life of Mrs. Siddons. London: Effingham Wilson. 1834. (2 vols.) 299pp. + 394pp.

Yvonne Ffrench. Mrs Siddons: Tragic Actress. Cobden-Sanderson. 1936. 286pp.

Molly Costain Haycraft. First Lady of the Theatre: Sarah Siddons (July 5, 1755-June 8, 1831). New York: Julian Messner. 1958. 192pp.

Marian Jonson. A Troubled Grandeur: The Story of England's Great Actress, Sarah Siddons. Boston: Little, Brown. 1972. 238pp.

Linda Kelly. The Kemble Era: John Philip Kemble, Sarah Siddons, and the London Stage. The Bodley Head. 1980. 220pp.

Nina H. Kennard. Mrs. Siddons. Boston: Roberts Brothers. 1887. 354pp.

Roger Manvell. Sarah Siddons: Portrait of an Actress. London: Heinemann. 1970. 385pp.

Russ McDonald. Look to the Lady: Sarah Siddons, Ellen Terry, and Judi Dench on the Shakespearean Stage. University of Georgia Press. 2005. 172pp.

Florence Mary Wilson Parsons. The Incomparable Siddons. G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1909. 298pp. Credited as "Mrs. Clement Parsone."


Below are references indicating presence of this name in another database or other reference material. Most of the sources listed are encyclopedic in nature but might be limited to a specific field, such as musicians or film directors. A lack of listings here does not indicate unimportance -- we are nowhere near finished with this portion of the project -- though if many are shown it does indicate a wide recognition of this individual.

  1. NNDB [link]

  2. Encyclopaedia Britannica Online [link]

  3. Wikipedia [link]

  4. Encyclopaedia Britannica 11th Edition

  5. Chambers Biographical Dictionary, 5th Edition (p.1346)

  6. International Dictionary of Women's Biography (p.428)

  7. Hutchinson Paperback Dictionary of Biography (p.453)

  8. Concise Biographical Dictionary of Famous Men and Women (p.630)

  9. The World Almanac Biographical Dictionary (p.317)

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