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Philippe Pinel

Psychiatrist, Doctor (20-Apr-1745 — 25-Oct-1826)


Jean Garrabé. Philippe Pinel. Le Plessis-Robinson, France: Synthélabo. 1994. 156pp.

Jan Goldstein. Console and Classify: The French Psychiatric Profession in the Nineteenth Century. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. 1987. 414pp.

Francois Lelord. Liberté pour les Insensés: le Roman de Philippe Pinel (Freedom for the Insane: The Story of Philippe Pinel). Paris: O. Jacob. 2000. 212pp.

Jackie Pigeaud. Aux Portes de la Psychiatrie: Pinel, l'Ancien et le Moderne (At the Gates of Psychiatry: Pinel, Ancient and Modern). Paris: Aubier. 2001. 379pp.

Jacques Postel. Genése de la Psychiatrie: Les Premiers écrits de Philippe Pinel (Genesis of Psychiatry: The First Writings by Philippe Pinel). Le Plessis, France: Institut Synthélab. 1998. 297pp.

Walther Riese. The Legacy of Philippe Pinel: An Inquiry into Thought on Mental Alienation. New York: Springer Pub. Co.. 1969. 194pp.

René Semelaigne. Philippe Pinel et son Oeuvre au Point de vue de la Médecine Mentale (Philippe Pinel and his Work in Mental Medicine). Paris: Imprimeries Réunies. 1888. 173pp.

René Sémelaigne. Philippe Pinel et son Oeuvre: au Point de vue de la Santé mentale (Philippe Pinel and his Work: In Terms of Mental Health). Paris: L'Harmattan. 2001. 169pp.

Gladys Swain. Le Sujet de la Folie: Naissance de la Psychiatrie (The Subject of Madness: The Birth of Psychiatry). Toulouse, France: Privat. 1977. 174pp.

Dora B. Weiner. Comprendre et Soigner: Philippe Pinel, 1745-1826 : La Médecine de l'Esprit (Understand and treat: Philippe Pinel, 1745-1826: The Medicine of the Mind). Paris: Fayard. 1999. 479pp.


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  1. NNDB [link]

  2. Encyclopaedia Britannica Online [link]

  3. Wikipedia [link]

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