Robert B. Horton Born: 18-Aug-1939
Gender: Male Race or Ethnicity: White Occupation: Business Nationality: England Executive summary: CEO of BP, 1989-92 High School: King's School Canterbury University: BS ME, University of St. Andrews University: SB Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1971) Administrator: Chancellor, University of Kent (1990-95) Administrator: MIT Corporation (1987-)
Premier Farnell PLC Deputy Chairman (2002-04)
Chubb plc Deputy Chairman (2002)
Railtrack Executive Chairman (1993-99)
British Petroleum CEO (1989-92)
British Petroleum Chairman, BP America (1988-89)
Standard Oil of Ohio CEO (1986-88, with BP owning controlling interest)
British Petroleum CEO of BP Chemicals International (1983-86)
British Petroleum (1957-80)
Member of the Board of British Petroleum (1983-, as Chairman, 1990-92)
Member of the Board of Chubb plc (2002-)
Member of the Board of Emerson Electric (1987-)
Member of the Board of PartnerRe, Ltd.
Member of the Board of Premier Farnell plc (1995-2004)
Member of the Board of Standard Oil of Ohio (as Chairman, 1986-88)
Knighthood 1997
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