Andrei Vyshinsky AKA Andrei Yanuarevich Vyshinsky
Born: 10-Dec-1883 Birthplace: Odessa, Russia Died: 22-Nov-1954 Location of death: New York City Cause of death: unspecified Remains: Buried, Red Square, Moscow, Russia
Gender: Male Religion: Atheist Race or Ethnicity: White Occupation: Government, Attorney Nationality: Russia Executive summary: Soviet Prosecutor General during the Great Purge In early September 1947 George C. Marshall introduced a proposal before the U.N. in which a so-called Little Assembly would be formed in order to bypass the Security Council. This was intended to thwart Russia's power to veto measures passing through that body which it had exercised twenty times over the past year and half virtually crippling the Council.
The next day Andrei Vyshinsky delivered a speech condemning the proposal and launched a vicious attack on US militarism:
"War psychosis instigated by the efforts of the militarist and expansionist circles of certain countries, the United States of America occupying the foremost place among them, is continually spreading and assuming all the more menacing character. The preparation for a new war is being carried on literally before the eyes of the whole world [...] It should be noted that the capitalist monopolies, having secured a decisive influence during the war, retained this influence on the termination of the war, skillfully utilizing for this purpose governmental subsidies and grants of billions of dollars as well as the protection they enjoyed and still are enjoying from various governmental agencies and organizations. This is facilitated by the close connections of the monopolies with Senators, members of the Government, many of whom very often are either officials or partners in the monopolistic corporations."
Vyshinsky then enumerated nine people whom he considered particulary guilty of these offenses. The somewhat obscure list included Virgil Jordan, George H. Earle, U.S. Minister to Bulgaria, Charles Eaton, Senator Brien McMahon, Senator C. Wayland Brooks, Paisley B. Harwood, and John Foster Dulles who, seated beside Eleanor Roosevelt, took particular interest in what followed:
"John Foster Dulles in a speech delivered on Feb. 10, 1947 in Chicago urged a 'tough foreign policy towards the Soviet Union,' declaring that if the U.S.A. does not take up such a course, counting on the possibility of reaching a compromise with the Soviet Union, then war is inevitable. In the same speech Dulles boasted that since the collapse of the Roman Empire no nation ever possessed such great superiority of material power as the United States, and urged the United States to utilize this power to promote its ideals {...] Numerous organs of the American reactionary press which is in the hands of such newspaper magnates as Morgan, Rockefeller, Ford, Hearst, McCormick and others do not lag behind the reactionary political statesmen who busy themselves with warmongering. Morgan controls the following magazines: Time, Life and Fortune, published by the well-known publishing corporation, Time, Inc., the largest shareholder being, by the way, the Brown Brothers Harriman and Co."
The speech was not well received. Father: (government notary in Baku)
University: Law, Kiev University (1907) Teacher: Moscow State University
UN Envoy permanent Soviet delegate (1953-54) Soviet Minister Foreign (1949-53) Soviet Minister Deputy-Commissar for Foreign Affairs (1940-49) Soviet Official Vice-Premier of the Soviet Union (1939-44) Prosecutor General of the USSR (1935-39) Insurrection convicted, spent one year in jail (1905) Communist Party (1920-54) Stalin Prize 1946 Austrian Ancestry
Russian Ancestry
Appears on the cover of:
Time, 29-Sep-1947, DETAILS: The Kremlin's Vishinsky: Which world do Russia's masters believe in?
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