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League of Nations


George W. Baer. Test Case: Italy, Ethiopia, and the League of Nations. Hoover Press. 1976. 367pp.

John Spencer Bassett. The League of Nations: A Chapter in World Politics. Longmans, Green. 1928. 415pp.

Elmer Bendiner. A Time for Angels: The Tragicomic History of the League of Nations. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1975. 441pp.

Harriet Eager Davis (editor). Pioneers in World Order: An American Appraisal of the League of Nations. Columbia University Press. 1944. 272pp.

George W. Egerton. Great Britain and the Creation of the League of Nations: Strategy, Politics, and International Organization, 1914-1919. University of North Carolina Press. 1978. 273pp.

F. S. Northedge. The League of Nations: Its Life and Times, 1920-1946. Holmes & Meier. 1986. 342pp.

Cromwell A. Riches. The Unanimity Rule and the League of Nations. Johns Hopkins Press. 1933. 224pp.

George Scott. The Rise and Fall of the League of Nations. New York: Macmillan. 1974. 432pp.

C. K. Webster; Sydney Herbert. The League of Nations in Theory and Practice. Houghton Mifflin. 1933. 320pp.

Alfred Eckhard Zimmern. The League of Nations & the Rule of Law. William Gaunt & Sons. 1998. 527pp.

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