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Latin America


Helen Miller Bailey; Abraham P. Nasatir. Latin America: The Development of Its Civilization. Prentice-Hall. 1968. 822pp.

David Bushnell; Neill Macaulay. The Emergence of Latin America in the Nineteenth Century. Oxford University Press. 1988. 335pp.

Jorge G. Castaņeda. Utopia Unarmed: The Latin American Left After the Cold War. Vintage Books. 1994. 512pp.

Margaret E. Crahan. Human Rights and Basic Needs in the Americas. Georgetown University Press. 1982. 343pp.

Alexander Taylor Edelmann. Latin American Government and Politics: The Dynamics of a Revolutionary Society. Dorsey Press. 1969. 511pp.

Greg Grandin. The Last Colonial Massacre: Latin America in the Cold War. University of Chicago Press. 2004. 311pp.

Jane G. Landers; Barry M. Robinson (editors). Slaves, Subjects, and Subversives: Blacks in Colonial Latin America. University of New Mexico Press. 2006. 318pp.

James M. Malloy; Mitchell A. Seligson (editors). Authoritarians and Democrats: Regime Transition in Latin America. University of Pittsburgh Press. 1987. 268pp.

Nancy Mitchell. The Danger of Dreams: German and American Imperialism in Latin America. UNC Press. 1999. 312pp.

James S. Olson. The Indians of Central and South America: An Ethnohistorical Dictionary. Greenwood Press. 1991. 515pp.

Michael Reid. Forgotten Continent: The Battle for Latin America's Soul. Yale University Press. 2007. 384pp.

William Spence Robertson. History of the Latin-American Nations. D. Appleton-Century Company. 1943. 821pp.

Thomas E. Skidmore; Peter H. Smith. Modern Latin America. Oxford University Press. 2001. 466pp. 5th Edition.

Shawn Smallman. The AIDS Pandemic in Latin America. UNC Press. 2007. 304pp.

Robert Dennis Tomasek. Latin American Politics: Studies of the Contemporary Scene. Anchor Books. 1970. 584pp.

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