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Victoria, Australia


Geoffrey Blainey. A History of Victoria. Cambridge University Press. 2006. 304pp.

Geoffrey Blainey. Our Side of the Country: The Story of Victoria. Methuen Haynes. 1984. 250pp.

Charles Fox. Fighting Back: The Politics of the Unemployed in Victoria in the Great Depression. Melbourne University Press. 2000. 281pp.

Raelene Frances. The Politics of Work: Gender and Labour in Victoria, 1880-1939. Cambridge University Press. 1993. 279pp.

David Goodman. Gold Seeking: Victoria and California in the 1850s. Stanford University Press. 1994. 302pp.

Marjorie Jean Holmes. The Government of Victoria. University of Queensland Press. 1976. 205pp.

A. E. Martin. Place Names in Victoria and Tasmania. N. S. W. Bookstall. 1944. 107pp.

John Rickard. Class and Politics: New South Wales, Victoria and the Early Commonwealth, 1890-1910. Australian National University Press. 1976. 371pp.

Geoffrey Serle. The Golden Age: A History of the Colony of Victoria, 1851-1861. Melbourne University Press. 1968. 455pp.

Geoffrey Serle. The Rush to be Rich: A History of the Colony of Victoria, 1883-1889. Melbourne University Press. 1971. 392pp.

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