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Colin Baber; L. J. Williams (editors). Modern South Wales: Essays in Economic History. University of Wales Press. 1986. 324pp.

Deirdre Beddoe. Out of the Shadows: A History of Women in Twentieth-Century Wales. University of Wales Press. 2000. 201pp.

E. G. Bowen. Wales. Methuen. 1957. 528pp.

E. G. Bowen. Wales: A Study in Geography and History. University of Wales Press Board. 1943. 171pp.

Harold Carter. The Towns of Wales: A Study in Urban Geography. University of Wales Press. 1965. 362pp.

Nikolas Coupland (editor). English in Wales: Diversity, Conflict, and Change. Multilingual Matters. 1990. 295pp.

Reginald Coupland. Welsh and Scottish Nationalism: A Study. London: Collins. 1954. 426pp.

Matthew Cragoe. Culture, Politics, and National Identity in Wales, 1832-1886. Oxford University Press. 2004. 299pp.

John Davies. A History of Wales. London: Allen Lane. 1993. 718pp.

R. R. Davies. Conquest, Coexistence, and Change: Wales, 1063-1415. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1987. 530pp.

Russell Davies. Hope and Heartbreak: A Social History of Wales and the Welsh, 1776-1871. University of Wales Press. 2005. 559pp.

Wendy Davies. Wales in the Early Middle Ages. Leicester University Press. 1982. 263pp.

A. H. Dodd. Studies in Stuart Wales. University of Wales Press. 1971. 251pp.

Ralph Fevre; Andrew Thompson (editors). Nation, Identity and Social Theory: Perspectives from Wales. University of Wales Press. 1999. 278pp.

Trevor Fishlock. Wales & the Welsh. London: Cassell. 1972. 196pp.

Idris Ll. Foster; Glyn Daniel. Prehistoric and Early Wales. Routledge and K. Paul. 1965. 244pp.

K. D. George; Lynn Mainwaring (editors). The Welsh Economy. University of Wales Press. 1988. 301pp.

John Harvey. Image of the Invisible: The Visualization of Religion in the Welsh Nonconformist Tradition. University of Wales Press. 1999. 218pp.

Felicity Heal; Clive Holmes. The Gentry in England and Wales, 1500-1700. Stanford University Press. 1994. 473pp.

Trevor Herbert; Gareth Elwyn Jones (editors). Wales Between the Wars. University of Wales Press. 1988. 296pp.

David W. Howell. Land and People in Nineteenth Century Wales. Routledge and Kegan Paul. 1977. 207pp.

W. Eric Jackson. The Structure of Local Government in England and Wales. Longmans. 1966. 243pp.

Geraint H. Jenkins. A Concise History of Wales. Cambridge University Press. 2007. 360pp.

Geraint H. Jenkins. The Foundations of Modern Wales: Wales, 1642-1780. Clarendon Press. 1988. 490pp.

Aled Gruffydd Jones. Press, Politics and Society: A History of Journalism in Wales. University of Wales Press. 1993. 317pp.

Gareth Elwyn Jones. Modern Wales: A Concise History. Cambridge University Press. 1984. 364pp.

Gareth Elwyn Jones. Controls and Conflicts in Welsh Secondary Education, 1889-1944. University of Wales Press. 1982. 248pp.

T. Gwynn Jones. Welsh Folklore and Folk-Custom. London: Methuen. 1930. 255pp.

Bud B. Khleif. Language, Ethnicity, and Education in Wales. Mouton. 1980. 331pp.

P. J. Madgwick; with Non Griffiths; Valerie Walker. The Politics of Rural Wales: A Study of Cardiganshire. Hutchinson. 1973. 272pp.

W. E. Minchinton (editor). Industrial South Wales 1750-1914: Essays in Welsh Economic History. Taylor & Francis. 2006. 264pp.

D. Densil Morgan. The Span of the Cross: Christian Religion and Society in Wales, 1914-2000. University of Wales Press. 1999. 310pp.

Lynn H. Nelson. The Normans in South Wales, 1070-1171. University of Texas Press. 1966. 217pp.

Paul O'Leary (editor). Irish Migrants in Modern Wales. Liverpool University Press. 2004. 183pp.

John Osmond. Creative Conflict: The Politics of Welsh Devolution. Routledge. 1977. 305pp.

John Osmond (editor). The National Question Again: Welsh Political Identity in the 1980s. Gomer Press. 1985. 323pp.

D. Huw Owen. Settlement and Society in Wales. University of Wales Press. 1989. 315pp.

Alan Butt Philip. The Welsh Question: Nationalism in Welsh Politics, 1945-1970. University of Wales Press. 1975. 367pp.

Robert Pope. Seeking God's Kingdom: The Nonconformist Social Gospel in Wales, 1906-1939. University of Wales Press. 1999. 194pp.

David A. Pretty. The Rural Revolt that Failed: Farm Workers' Trade Unions in Wales, 1889-1950. University of Wales Press. 1989. 291pp.

Huw Pryce. Native Law and the Church in Medieval Wales. Oxford University Press. 1993. 292pp.

A. J. Roderick (editor). Wales Through the Ages. Llandebie, Carmarthenshire: Christopher Davies. 1959. (2 vols.) 200pp. + 216pp. Volume 1, From the Earliest Time to 1485. Volume 2, From 1485 to the Beginning of the 20th Century.

David Smith (editor). A People and a Proletariat: Essays in the History of Wales, 1780-1980. Pluto Press. 1980. 239pp. For Llafur, the Society for the Study of Welsh Labour History.

Anna-Marie Taylor (editor). Staging Wales: Welsh Theatre, 1979-1997. University of Wales Press. 1997. 212pp.

Brinley Thomas (editor). The Welsh Economy: Studies in Expansion. University of Wales Press. 1962. 216pp.

David Thomas (editor). Wales: A New Study. David & Charles. 1977. 338pp.

Carol Trosset. Welshness Performed: Welsh Concepts of Person and Society. University of Arizona Press. 1993. 183pp.

David Walker. A History of the Church in Wales. Historical Society of the Church in Wales. 1976. 221pp.

Ivor Wilks. South Wales and the Rising of 1839: Class Struggle as Armed Struggle. Routledge. 1984. 270pp.

Glanmor Williams. Wales and the Reformation. University of Wales Press. 1997. 440pp.

Glanmor Williams. The Welsh Church from Conquest to Reformation. University of Wales Press. 1976. 612pp. Revised Edition.

Gwyn A. Williams. When Was Wales? A History of the Welsh. Black Raven Press. 1985. 327pp.

Robert Woods. The Demography of Victorian England and Wales. Cambridge University Press. 2000. 447pp.

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