Theo Aronson. Defiant Dynasty: The Coburgs of Belgium. Bobbs-Merrill. 1968. 323pp. Jan Andrzej Betley. Belgium and Poland in International Relations, 1830-1831. Mouton. 1960. 298pp. Jane Block (editor). Belgium, the Golden Decades, 1880-1914. Peter Lang. 1997. 264pp. Brian Bond. France and Belgium, 1939-1940. University of Delaware Press. 1975. 206pp. Erik Buyst. An Economic History of Residential Building in Belgium Between 1890 and 1961. Leuven University Press. 1992. 307pp. Frank Caestecker. Alien Policy in Belgium, 1840-1940: The Creation of Guest Workers, Refugees and Illegal Aliens. Berghahn Books. 2000. 330pp. Bernard A. Cook. Belgium: A History. Peter Lang. 2002. 205pp. Kas Deprez; Louis Vos (editors). Nationalism in Belgium: Shifting Identities, 1780-1995. St. Martin's Press. 1998. 281pp. Ashok K. Dutt; Frank J. Costa (editors). Perspectives on Planning and Urban Development in Belgium. Springer. 1992. 208pp. John Fitzmaurice. The Politics of Belgium: A Unique Federalism. Hurst. 1996. 284pp. H. Gerson; E. H. ter Kuile. Art and Architecture in Belgium, 1600 to 1800: 1600 to 1800. Penguin Books. 1960. 236pp. Jonathan E. Helmreich. United States Relations with Belgium and the Congo, 1940-1960. University of Delaware Press. 1998. 289pp. Jonathan E. Helmreich. Belgium and Europe: A Study in Small Power Diplomacy. Mouton. 1976. 456pp. Patricia Penn Hilden. Women, Work, and Politics: Belgium, 1830-1914. Clarendon Press. 1993. 357pp. Liesbet Hooghe. A Leap in the Dark: Nationalist Conflict and Federal Reform in Belgium. Cornell University Press. 1991. 129pp. Frank E. Huggett. Modern Belgium. Praeger. 1969. 296pp. Herbert Kitschelt; Staf Hellemans. Beyond the European Left: Ideology and Political Action in the Belgian Ecology Parties. Duke University Press. 1990. 262pp. Alexandre Lamfalussy. Investment and Growth in Mature Economies: The Case of Belgium. Macmillian. 1961. 206pp. Sally Marks. Innocent Abroad: Belgium at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919. University of North Carolina Press. 1981. 461pp. Kenneth D. McRae. Conflict and Compromise in Multilingual Societies: Belgium. Wilfrid Laurier University Press. 1986. 387pp. Dan Mikhman (editor). Belgium and the Holocaust: Jews, Belgians, Germans. Berghahn Books. 1998. 593pp. André Mommen. The Belgian Economy in the Twentieth Century. Routledge. 1994. 266pp. Henry L. Shephard. The Monetary Experience of Belgium, 1914-1936. Ayer Company Publishers. 1979. 271pp. Selma K. Sonntag. Competition and Compromise Amongst Elites in Belgian Language Politics. Dümmler. 1991. 103pp. Carl Strikwerda. A House Divided: Catholics, Socialists, and Flemish Nationalists in Nineteenth-Century Belgium. Rowman & Littlefield. 1997. 454pp. A. J. L. van de Walle. Gothic Art in Belgium: Architecture, Monumental Art. M. Vokaer. 1971. 239pp. Translation of Belgique gothique. Herman van der Wee; Jan Blomme. The Economic Development of Belgium Since 1870. E. Elgar. 1997. 526pp. Suzanne Vromen. Hidden Children of the Holocaust: Belgian Nuns and Their Daring Rescue of Young Jews from the Nazis. Oxford University Press. 2008. 178pp. Werner Warmbrunn. The German Occupation of Belgium, 1940-1944. Peter Lang. 1993. 365pp.
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