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New South Wales, Australia


Deborah Brennan; Louise Chappell (editors). No Fit Place for Women: Women in New South Wales Politics, 1856-2006. University of Washington Press. 2006. 272pp.

Meredith Burgmann. Green Bans, Red Union: Environmental Activism and the New South Wales Builders Labourers' Federation. University of New South Wales Press. 1998. 352pp.

Paula Jane Byrne. Criminal Law and Colonial Subject: New South Wales, 1810-1830. Cambridge University Press. 2003. 315pp.

David Clune; Ken Turner (editors). The Premiers of New South Wales, 1856-2005. Federation Press. 2005. (2 vols.) 256pp. + 538pp. Volume 1, 1856-1901. Volume 2, 1901-2005.

David Clune; Gareth Griffith. Decision and Deliberation: The Parliament of New South Wales, 1856-2003. Federation Press. 2006. 752pp.

Paul Davey. The Nationals: The Progressive, Country, and National Party in New South Wales 1919-2006. Federation Press. 2006. 530pp.

Robert Dixon. The Course of Empire: Neo-Classical Culture in New South Wales, 1788-1860. Oxford University Press. 1986. 213pp.

Marilyn Dodkin. Brothers: Eight Leaders of the Labor Council of New South Wales. University of New South Wales Press. 2001. 320pp.

Anna Doukakis. The Aboriginal People, Parliament and "Protection" in New South Wales, 1856-1916. Federation Press. 2008. 216pp.

Hilary Golder. Politics, Patronage and Public Works: The Administration of New South Wales. University of New South Wales Press. 2005. 268pp.

John Gunn. Along Parallel Lines: A History of the Railways of New South Wales. Melbourne University Press. 1989. 581pp.

Jim Hagan. People and Politics in Regional New South Wales. Federation Press. 2006. 360pp.

J. B. Hirst. Convict Society and Its Enemies: A History of Early New South Wales. George Allen & Unwin. 1983. 244pp.

John B. Hirst. The Strange Birth of Colonial Democracy: New South Wales, 1848-1884. Sydney: Allen & Unwin. 1988.

Michael Hogan; Lesley Muir; Hilary Golder (editors). The People's Choice: Electoral Politics in 20th Century New South Wales. Federation Press. 2001. (3 vols.) Volume 1, 1907-27. Volume 2, 1930-65. Volume 3, 1968-99.

Bruce Kercher. Debt, Seduction and Other Disasters: The Birth of Civil Law in Convict New South Wales. Federation Press. 1996. 238pp.

F. A. Larcombe. A History of Local Government in New South Wales. Sydney University Press. 1973. 323pp.

David Mackay. A Place of Exile: The European Settlement of New South Wales. Oxford University Press. 1985. 127pp.

David Neal. The Rule of Law in a Penal Colony: Law and Politics in Early New South Wales. Cambridge University Press. 1992. 284pp.

Monica Perrott. A Tolerable Good Success: Economic Opportunities for Women in New South Wales, 1788-1830. Hale & Iremonger. 1983. 158pp.

T. M. Perry. Australia's First Frontier: The Spread of Settlement in New South Wales, 1788-1829. Melbourne University Press. 1963. 163pp.

Marion Phillips. Colonial Autocracy: New South Wales Under Governor Macquarie, 1820-1821. Routledge. 1971. 366pp.

John Rickard. Class and Politics: New South Wales, Victoria and the Early Commonwealth, 1890-1910. Australian National University Press. 1976. 371pp.

Rodney Smith. Against the Machines: Minor Parties and Independents in New South Wales, 1910-2006. Federation Press. 2006. 238pp.

M. M. H. Thompson. The Seeds of Democracy: Early Elections in Colonial New South Wales. Federation Press. 2006. 302pp.

R. B. Walker. The Newspaper Press in New South Wales, 1803-1920. Sydney University Press. 1976. 272pp.

G. D. Woods. A History of Criminal Law in New South Wales: The Colonial Period, 1788-1900. Federation Press. 2002. 480pp.

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