Christine Agius. The Social Construction of Swedish Neutrality: Challenges to Swedish Identity and Sovereignty. Manchester University Press. 2006. 253pp. Jenny Andersson. Translated by Mireille L. Key. Between Growth and Security: Swedish Social Democracy from a Strong Society to a Third Way. Manchester University Press. 2006. 149pp. Thomas J. Anton (editor). Administered Politics: Elite Political Culture in Sweden. Springer. 1980. 203pp. Christian Berggren. Alternatives to Lean Production: Work Organization in the Swedish Auto Industry. Cornell University Press. 1993. 286pp. Anders Björklund. The Market Comes to Education in Sweden: An Evaluation of Sweden's Surprising School Reforms. Russell Sage Foundation. 2005. 167pp. Joseph B. Board, Jr.. The Government and Politics of Sweden. Houghton Mifflin. 1970. 270pp. Barry P. Bosworth; Alice Rivlin (editors). The Swedish Economy. Brookings Institution Press. 1987. 338pp. Anne Buttimer; Tom Mels. By Northern Lights: On the Making of Geography in Sweden. Ashgate Publishing. 2006. 214pp. Lars Engwall (editor). Economics in Sweden: An Evaluation of Swedish Research in Economics. Routledge. 1992. 284pp. Michelle Facos. Nationalism and the Nordic Imagination: Swedish Art of the 1890s. University of California Press. 1998. 234pp. Frederic Fleisher. The New Sweden: The Challenge of a Disciplined Democracy. New York: David McKay Co.. 1967. 365pp. Wilfrid Fleisher. Sweden, the Welfare State. New York: John Day Co.. 1956. 255pp. John Fry (editor). Industrial Democracy and Labour Market Policy in Sweden. Pergamon Press. 1979. 163pp. John Fry. Towards a Democratic Rationality: Making the Case for Swedish Labour. Gower. 1987. 281pp. Lars Gårding. Mathematics and Mathematicians: Mathematics in Sweden Before 1950. AMS Bookstore. 1998. 288pp. Covering 1630-1950. Jan Glete. War and the State in Early Modern Europe: Spain, the Dutch Republic and Sweden as Fiscal-Military States, 1500-1660. Routledge. 2002. 277pp. Sieglinde Gstöhl. Reluctant Europeans: Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland in the Process of Integration. Lynne Rienner Publishers. 2002. 269pp. Stig Hadenius. Swedish Politics During the 20th Century. Swedish Institute. 1988. 183pp. Hugh Heclo; Henrik Madsen. Policy and Politics in Sweden: Principled Pragmatism. Temple University Press. 1987. 348pp. Mary Hilson. Political Change and the Rise of Labour in Comparative Perspective: Britain and Sweden, 1890-1920. Nordic Academic Press. 2006. 352pp. Pasi Ihalainen. Protestant Nations Redefined: Changing Perceptions of National Identity in the Rhetoric of the English, Dutch and Swedish Public Churches, 1685-1772. E. J. Brill. 2005. 664pp. Masako Ikegami-Andersson. The Military-Industrial Complex: The Cases of Sweden and Japan. Dartmouth. 1992. 143pp. Lars Jonung (editor). Swedish Economic Thought: Explorations and Advances. Routledge. 1993. 247pp. Walter Korpi. The Working Class in Welfare Capitalism: Work, Unions and Politics in Sweden. Routledge. 1981. 472pp. Jan-Erik Lane (editor). Understanding the Swedish Model. Routledge. 1991. 210pp. Leif Lewin. Ideology and Strategy: A Century of Swedish Politics. Cambridge University Press. 1988. 344pp. Lennart Lundqvist. Sweden and Ecological Governance: Straddling the Fence. Manchester University Press. 2004. 256pp. Lars Magnusson. An Economic History of Sweden. Routledge. 2000. 305pp. C. G. McKay; Bengt Beckman. Swedish Signal Intelligence, 1900-1945. Routledge. 2003. 310pp. Michael F. Metcalf. Russia, England and Swedish Party Politics, 1762-1766: The Interplay Between Great Power Diplomacy and Domestic Politics During Sweden's Age of Liberty. Almqvist & Wiksell. 1977. 278pp. Michele Micheletti. Civil Society and State Relations in Sweden. Avebury. 1995. 200pp. Lee Miles. Fusing with Europe? Sweden in the European Union. Ashgate Publishing. 2005. 348pp. Henry Milner. Sweden: Social Democracy in Practice. Oxford University Press. 1990. 280pp. Klaus Misgeld; Karl Molin; Klas Åmark (editors). Creating Social Democracy: A Century of the Social Democratic Labor Party in Sweden. Penn State Press. 1992. 500pp. Vilhelm Moberg. Translated by Paul Britten Austin. A History of the Swedish People: From Renaissance to Revolution. University of Minnesota Press. 2005. 288pp. Phyllis Moen. Working Parents: Transformations in Gender Roles and Public Policies in Sweden. University of Wisconsin Press. 1989. 181pp. William D. Nordhaus. The Swedish Nuclear Dilemma: Energy and the Environment. Resources for the Future. 1997. 167pp. Dennis Sven Nordin. A Swedish Dilemma: A Liberal European Nation's Struggle with Racism and Xenophobia, 1990-2000. University Press of America. 2005. 264pp. Byron J. Nordstrom. The History of Sweden. Greenwood Publishing Group. 2002. 186pp. Leigh Oakes. Language and National Identity: Comparing France and Sweden. John Benjamins Publishing Company. 2001. 305pp. Allan Pred. Even in Sweden: Racisms, Racialized Spaces, and the Popular Geographical Imagination. University of California Press. 2000. 321pp. Michael Roberts. The Early Vasas: A History of Sweden, 1523-1611. Cambridge University Press. 1986. 524pp. Michael Roberts. The Age of Liberty: Sweden 1719-1772. Cambridge University Press. 2003. 243pp. Michael Roberts. British Diplomacy and Swedish Politics, 1758-1773. University of Minnesota Press. 1980. 528pp. Michael Roberts. The Swedish Imperial Experience, 1560-1718. Cambridge University Press. 1984. 168pp. Albert H. Rosenthal. The Social Programs of Sweden: A Search for Security in a Free Society. University of Minnesota Press. 1967. 193pp. Agnes Rothery. Sweden: The Land and the People. Viking Press. 1938. 277pp. Jens Rydgren. From Tax Populism to Ethnic Nationalism: Radical Right-wing Populism in Sweden. Berghahn Books. 2006. 138pp. Jens Rydström. Sinners and Citizens: Bestiality and Homosexuality in Sweden, 1880-1950. University of Chicago Press. 2003. 416pp. Martin Schnitzer. The Economy of Sweden: A Study of the Modern Welfare State. Praeger. 1970. 252pp. Martina Sprague. Sweden: An Illustrated History. Hippocrene Books. 2005. 234pp. Sven Steinmo. Taxation and Democracy: Swedish, British and American Approaches to Financing the Modern State. Yale University Press. 1996. 300pp. Peter Swenson. Fair Shares: Unions, Pay, and Politics in Sweden and West Germany. Cornell University Press. 1989. 260pp. Brinley Thomas. Monetary Policy and Crises: A Study of Swedish Experience. G. Routledge and Sons. 1937. 247pp. Virpi Timonen. Restructuring the Welfare State: Globalization and Social Policy Reform in Finland and Sweden. Edward Elgar Publishing. 2003. 222pp. Douglas V. Verney. Parliamentary Reform in Sweden, 1866-1921. Clarendon Press. 1957. 295pp. Dorothy Wilson. The Welfare State in Sweden: A Study in Comparative Social Administration. London: Heinemann. 1979. 171pp. Nina Witoszek; Lars Trägårdh (editors). Culture and Crisis: The Case of Germany and Sweden. Berghahn Books. 2002. 251pp. Hans L. Zetterberg. Translated by Graham Fennell. Sexual Life in Sweden. Transaction Publishers. 2002. 315pp.
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