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Chrétien de Troyes

Poet (fl. 1165-80 — fl. 1165-80)


M. Borodine. La femme dans l'oeuvre de Chrétien de Troyes. Paris, France: A. Picard et Fils. 1909. 284pp.

Brigitte Cazelles. The Unholy Grail: A Social Reading of Chretien De Troyes' "Conte Du Graal". Stanford University Press. 1995. 325pp.

Joseph J. Duggan. The Romance of Chretien de Troyes. Yale University Press. 2001.

Jean Frappier. Chretien de Troyes: l'homme et l'oeuvre. Paris, France: Hatier. 1957. Language: French.

Jean Frappier. Translated by Raymond J. Cormier (from French). Chretien de Troyes: The Man and His Work. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press. 1982. 241pp.

Foster E. Guyer. Chretien de Troyes: Inventor of the Modern Novel. New York: Bookman Associates. 1957. 247pp.

Urban Tigner Holmes. Chretien de Troyes. Twayne. 1970. 195pp.

M. H. Jones; R. A. Wisbey (editors). Chrétien de Troyes and the German Middle Ages. Woodbridge, England: Boydell and Brewer, Ltd.. 1993. 344pp. For the Institute of Germanic Studies, University of London.

Douglas Kelly. Chrétien de Troyes: An Analytic Bibliography. London: Grant and Cutler. 1976.

Douglas Kelly. Chretien de Troyes: An Analytic Bibliography: Supplement 1. Tamesis Books. 2002. 596pp. Supplement to 1976 work.

Norris J. Lacy (editor). The Legacy of Chretien de Troyes I. Editions Rodopi. 1987. 348pp.

Norris J. Lacy (editor). The Legacy of Chretien de Troyes II. Editions Rodopi. 1988. 314pp.

Norris J. Lacy; Joan Tasker Grimbert (editors). A Companion to Chretien de Troyes. D. S. Brewer. 2005. 260pp.

Roger Sherman Loomis. Arthurian Tradition and Chretien de Troyes. New York: Columbia University Press. 1949. 503pp.

Evelyn Mullally. Artist at Work: Narrative Technique in Chretien de Troyes. Diane Publishing Company. 1988. 242pp.

Peter S. Noble. Love and Marriage in Chrétien De Troyes. University of Wales Press. 1982. 108pp.

Michelle Reichert. Between Courtly Literature and Al-Andalus: Matiere D'Orient and the Importance of Spain in the Romances of the Twelfth-Century Writer Chretien de Troyes. Routledge. 2005. 338pp.

Leslie T. Topsfield. Chrétien de Troyes: A Study of the Arthurian Romances. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. 1981.

Karl D. Uitti; Michelle A. Freeman. Chretien De Troyes Revisited. Twayne. 1995. 169pp.


Below are references indicating presence of this name in another database or other reference material. Most of the sources listed are encyclopedic in nature but might be limited to a specific field, such as musicians or film directors. A lack of listings here does not indicate unimportance -- we are nowhere near finished with this portion of the project -- though if many are shown it does indicate a wide recognition of this individual.

  1. NNDB [link]

  2. Encyclopaedia Britannica Online [link]

  3. Internet Movie Database [link]

  4. Wikipedia [link]

  5. New York Public Library Literature Companion (p.52)

  6. Benet's Readers Encyclopedia, 4th Edition (p.199)

  7. Hutchinson Paperback Dictionary of Biography (p.110)

  8. A Short Biographical Dictionary of Foreign Literature (p.51)

  9. Atlantic: Brief Lives: A Biographical Companion to the Arts (p.161)

  10. The World Almanac Biographical Dictionary (p.28)

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