Elizabeth Abbott. Haiti: The Duvaliers and Their Legacy. McGraw-Hill. 1988. 381pp. Gage Averill. A Day for the Hunter, a Day for the Prey: Popular Music and Power in Haiti. University of Chicago Press. 1997. 276pp. Prosper Avril. Justice Versus Politics in Haiti: 2001-2004. Universal-Publishers. 2007. 184pp. Prosper Avril. From Glory to Disgrace: The Haitian Army, 1804-1994. Universal-Publishers. 1999. 416pp. Paul Brodwin. Medicine and Morality in Haiti: The Contest for Healing Power. Cambridge University Press. 1996. 240pp. Gordon S. Brown. Toussaint's Clause: The Founding Fathers and the Haitian Revolution. University Press of Mississippi. 2005. 321pp. Noam Chomsky; Paul Farmer; Amy Goodman. Getting Haiti Right This Time: The U.S. and the Coup. Common Courage Press. 2004. 180pp. J. Michael Dash. Literature and Ideology in Haiti, 1915-1961. Macmillan. 1981. 213pp. J. Michael Dash. Haiti and the United States: National Stereotypes and the Literary Imagination. Macmillan. 1988. 152pp. H. P. Davis. Black Democracy: The Story of Haiti. New York: Biblo and Tannen. 1967. 360pp. Joan Dayan. Haiti, History, and the Gods. University of California Press. 1998. 362pp. Michael Deibert. Notes from the Last Testament: The Struggle for Haiti. Seven Stories Press. 2005. 454pp. Chris Dixon. African America and Haiti: Emigration and Black Nationalism in the Nineteenth Century. Greenwood Press. 2000. 249pp. Laurent Dubois. Avengers of the New World: The Story of the Haitian Revolution. Harvard University Press. 2005. 357pp. Alex Dupuy. The Prophet and Power: Jean-Bertrand Aristide, Haiti, and the International Community. Rowman & Littlefield. 2007. 258pp. Alex Dupuy. Haiti in the World Economy: Class, Race, and Underdevelopment Since 1700. Westview Press. 1989. 245pp. Yves Engler; Anthony Fenton. Canada in Haiti: Waging War on the Poor Majority. Fernwood Publications. 2006. 120pp. Paul Farmer. The Uses of Haiti. Common Courage Press. 2005. 479pp. 3rd Edition. Paul Farmer. AIDS and Accusation: Haiti and the Geography of Blame. University of California Press. 1992. 338pp. Simon M. Fass. Political Economy in Haiti: The Drama of Survival. Transaction Publishers. 1990. 400pp. Georges A. Fauriol. Foreign Policy Behavior of Caribbean States: Guyana, Haiti, and Jamaica. University Press of America. 1984. 338pp. Carolyn E. Fick. The Making of Haiti: The Saint Domingue Revolution from Below. University of Tennessee Press. 1990. 355pp. Sibylle Fischer. Modernity Disavowed: Haiti and the Cultures of Slavery in the Age of Revolution. Duke University Press. 2004. 364pp. John D. Garrigus. Before Haiti: Race and Citizenship in French Saint-Domingue. Palgrave Macmillan. 2006. 396pp. David P. Geggus (editor). The Impact of the Haitian Revolution in the Atlantic World. University of South Carolina Press. 2001. 261pp. Philippe R. Girard. Paradise Lost: Haiti's Tumultuous Journey from Pearl of the Caribbean to Third World Hot Spot. Palgrave Macmillan. 2005. 240pp. Philippe R. Girard. Clinton in Haiti: The 1994 Us Invasion of Haiti. Palgrave Macmillan. 2004. 245pp. Herbert Gold. Haiti: Best Nightmare on Earth. Transaction Publishers. 2001. 321pp. Robert Debs Heinl; Nancy Gordon Heinl. Written in Blood: The Story of the Haitian People, 1492-1995. University Press of America. 2005. 869pp. Updated edition, the original in 1996. J. Christopher Kovats-Bernat. Sleeping Rough in Port-au-Prince: An Ethnography of Street Children and Violence in Haiti. University Press of Florida. 2006. 233pp. Michel S. Laguerre. The Military and Society in Haiti. Macmillan. 1993. 223pp. David Malone. Decision-Making in the UN Security Council: The Case of Haiti, 1990-1997. Oxford University Press. 1998. 322pp. M. Catherine Maternowska. Reproducing Inequities: Poverty and the Politics of Population in Haiti. Rutgers University Press. 2006. 221pp. Tim Matthewson. A Proslavery Foreign Policy: Haitian-American Relations During the Early Republic. Greenwood Publishing Group. 2003. 159pp. Elizabeth A. McAlister. Rara! Vodou, Power, and Performance in Haiti and Its Diaspora. University of California Press. 2002. 259pp. Kelly McCown. Silencing a People: The Destruction of Civil Society in Haiti. Human Rights Watch. 1993. 136pp. Alfred Métraux. Voodoo in Haiti. Oxford University Press. 1959. 400pp. Melinda Miles; Eugenia Charles (editors). Let Haiti Live: Unjust U.S. Policies Towards Its Oldest Neighbor. Educa Vision. 2004. 399pp. Arthur C. Millspaugh. Haiti Under American Control, 1915-1930. Negro Universities Press. 1970. 253pp. Ludwell Lee Montague. Haiti and the United States, 1714-1938. Duke University Press. 1940. 308pp. O. Ernest Moore. Haiti: Its Stagnant Society and Shackled Economy: A Survey. New York: Exposition Press. 1972. 281pp. David Nicholls. From Dessalines to Duvalier: Race, Colour, and National Independence in Haiti. Rutgers University Press. 1996. 357pp. North American Congress on Latin America (editor). Haiti: Dangerous Crossroads. South End Press. 1995. 256pp. Thomas O. Ott. The Haitian Revolution, 1789-1804. University of Tennessee Press. 1973. 232pp. Robert Percival Parsons. History of Haitian Medicine. P. B. Hoeber. 1930. 196pp. Roland I. Perusse. Historical Dictionary of Haiti. Scarecrow Press. 1977. 124pp. Roland I. Perusse. Haitian Democracy Restored, 1991-1995. University Press of America. 1995. 170pp. Ralph Pezzullo. Plunging Into Haiti: Clinton, Aristide, and the Defeat of Diplomacy. University Press of Mississippi. 2006. 312pp. Hyppolite Pierre. Haiti, Rising Flames from Burning Ashes. University Press of America. 2006. 374pp. Brenda Gayle Plummer. Haiti and the United States: The Psychological Moment. University of Georgia Press. 1992. 320pp. Frantz Pratt. Haiti: Guide to the Periodical Literature in English, 1800-1990. Greenwood Press. 1991. 328pp. Mary A. Renda. Taking Haiti: Military Occupation and the Culture of U.S. Imperialism, 1915-1940. University of North Carolina Press. 2001. 414pp. Terry Rey. Our Lady of Class Struggle: The Cult of the Virgin Mary in Haiti. Africa World Press. 1999. 362pp. Leara Rhodes. Democracy and the Role of the Haitian Media. E. Mellen Press. 2001. 217pp. Martin Ros. Translated by Karen Ford. Night of Fire: The Black Napoleon and the Battle for Haiti. Da Capo Press. 1994. 224pp. Robert I. Rotberg; Christopher K. Clague. Haiti: The Politics of Squalor. Houghton Mifflin. 1971. 456pp. Robert I. Rotberg (editor). Haiti Renewed: Political and Economic Prospects. Brookings Institution Press. 1997. 245pp. Hans Schmidt. The United States Occupation of Haiti, 1915-1934. Rutgers University Press. 1995. 303pp. Jennie M. Smith. When the Hands Are Many: Community Organization and Social Change in Rural Haiti. Cornell University Press. 2001. 229pp. Irwin P. Stotzky. Silencing the Guns in Haiti: The Promise of Deliberative Democracy. University of Chicago Press. 1997. 294pp. Michel-Rolph Trouillot. Haiti, State Against Nation: The Origins and Legacy of Duvalierism. Monthly Review Press. 1990. 282pp. Brian Weinstein; Aaron Segal. Haiti: Political Failures, Cultural Successes. Praeger. 1984. 175pp. In cooperation with the Hoover Institution. Amy Wilentz. The Rainy Season: Haiti Since Duvalier. Simon and Schuster. 1989. 427pp. Charles T. Williamson. The U.S. Naval Mission to Haiti, 1959-1963. Naval Institute Press. 1998. 394pp.
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